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Our Story

Global Grassroots founder, and Integrative Breathwork Practitioner, Gretchen Wallace was attending a retreat in 2009 with a fellow breathworker, Sindee Ernst, when she first posed the question "What are ten things you know to be true?" as a memoir-writing exercise to invite us to access our inner wisdom. Gretchen was compelled by the simplicity of the question and its ability to cut to the heart of each individual's unique offerings of insight. As the group worked on their lists, Sindee then asked them to choose one truth and to consider sharing the deeper story behind that truth.

"As a memoir writer I encourage people to see that everyone has a story to tell, and that some of the greatest stories grow out of simple moments.

As an Integrative Breathworker, I work with people to use conscious breathing as one of many tools to heighten awareness for healing and transformation. This work helps people access some of the essential qualities of our being including: strength, peace, truth, love, energy, beauty wisdom, connection and joy.

Life stories have a way of revealing truth – and the ability to recognize and live from truth is one of the foundations of personal growth and the development of consciousness. That is also integral to the experience of Integrative Breathwork....Whether it brings you clarity, or makes you smile because it describes the essence of your experience, truth is a quality that brings insight, healing, illumination, creativity and wisdom to life...This communal sharing joins my passion for the written word with my desire to support awakening in all beings."

Ever since that day, Gretchen has been asking change agents and others engaged in our work to share what they know to be true. This simple question represents so many dimensions upon which Gretchen has founded her work, which she calls Conscious Social Change. Here are a few things she has come to know to be true from her exchanges and collaborations with change agents around the world:

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